30 November 2010

Potty-training: Random Tuesday Thoughts

Tuesday again? This year is almost over. Can't believe there's only a month left....Anywho..since it's Tuesday again...


Today my sister and I started [trying] to potty-train my 2-year-old nephew, Boog. (He turned 2 in August.) We started out by placing him on the potty as soon as he woke up this morning. He screamed bloody murder and wouldn't do anything. As soon as we put the pull-up on him...he peed. Then we asked him every 30 minutes if he wanted to go pee-pee. He said no. Then just before naptime we took him again and he screamed bloody-murder again. It was definitely naptime. Then about an hour ago, my sister tried for 30 minutes to get him to pee-pee in the "big-boy potty" again and he wouldn't go. Less than a minute after he got off the potty he ran to the couch, naked and peed on it....

I asked him if he went pee-pee in the potty and he said, "No...I pee-pee" and then he pointed at the couch. SMH....

Any ideas on how to potty-train a two-year old? {Read as: Any ideas that work to potty-train a very stubborn two-year-old?}

LOL. I hope everyone is having a great week! Tomorrow is December!!!!

For more Random Thoughts...head on over to The Un-Mom and join in!

The Boog's Aunt "Bit-Bit"

25 November 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving from the Oaks family to your family! May you be truly thankful for all your blessings!

"Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise: be thankful unto Him, and bless His name." --Psalms 100:4

Thursday's Quote...

"To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and to endure the betrayal of false friends. To appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; to know that even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded."

— Ralph Waldo Emerson

23 November 2010

RTT: Grocery Shopping @ the last minute!!!

Including myself...why do we always wait til the last minute to shop for groceries for Thanksgiving, when it's the same day every year? Seriously....Wal-mart on Tuesday is way over-crowded...Yet that's the day I've chosen to get all the stuff my sister listed
for me to bring to Thanksgiving dinner. Did I mention I have to make 4 dozen stuffed-eggs? Because not only is Thanksgiving this Thursday, but my Husband's side of the family is having their Family Reunion this weekend... Although, I do make the best stuffed-eggs if I do say so myself. ;)
Pray for me!
I Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving week!

"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."-Colossians 3:17

For more Randomness go visit The Un-Mom! Be sure to link up your random thoughts!

21 November 2010

Sunday Catch-Up

I love Sundays...it's so quiet and peaceful. I love going to church and seeing the rest of the "family"... I can't wait until I'm feeling better so I can get to church. I'm sure they think I've fallen off the face of the planet. LOL. Especially since J didn't get to go to church today either.

Yesterday, his cousin Stacy's car broke down in Union, AL. She was driving behind a flatbed semi and a tire on it blew and went up under her car and busted the radiator. The truck didn't stop, but thankfully she made it to the side of the road safely and another vehicle that was behind her stopped to help. They pulled her with a rope to the closest exit...Union and left her at a gas station. Because she didn't have very much money, she had no way to tow her car back to Springville. So, Jeremy and I went to get her. (It was my first time out of the house since my surgery...but I actually did well! :)

Then today, Jeremy and Stacy went back to Union with his truck and a tow-dolly rented from U-haul. Hopefully she'll be able to get her car fixed soon. I know she needs it to get to work. Thankfully she has a co-worker that has already offered to take her to work for the next week.

That's pretty much all that's going on right now. :) I'm feeling much better today...just really tired. I can't wait for Thanksgiving! I hope I'll be able to eat some of everything. LOL.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday!


P.S. I forgot to tell you that on Friday morning (I think) I went to lay down in bed and I swallowed w/o drinking anything...and my throat started bleeding. I swallowed a few more times b/c I didn't know what was happening, then I ran to wake up Mom and then ran to her bathroom. I had a steady stream of blood flowing for at least 10 mins. Mom ended up calling 911! The paramedics and an ambulance came to check me out. Thankfully, the bleeding stopped on it's own. Mom called the Dr. and his nurse told her that my scab had probably fallen off and it shouldn't happen again. And so far, it hasn't.  

17 November 2010

Wordless Wednesday

Tonsillectomy Update

As you know...or should know, since I did mention it last month...I had my tonsils taken out on the 10th; one week ago. I'm doing ok. My throat still hurts some, especially when I swallow. And now my tongue looks really gross. My mom says she thinks I have Thrush from the antibiotic, but the pics online look nothing like my tongue. I won't describe it, because even when I look it, it makes me feel sick. :{

I still can't eat solid foods all that well. I had some cornbread and buttermilk last night for dinner and today my throat feels horrible, so I'm sticking to liquidy foods and drinks today. Thankfully I'm not feeling any nausea today.

Hopefully I'll be able to blog again tomorrow. Hope everyone is doing well!

Oppressive October

 On the 13th of October, a dear friend of mine was murdered at his apartment in Montgomery. He was coming home from work when two men confronted him at gunpoint. He sprayed one with mace and was then shot. You can read about it in the Birmingham News here.
Just the previous week, on Oct. 7th, he had been robbed at gunpoint at the hotel he had been staying at while working in Montgomery. He was only supposed to be there 2 months, and was supposed to come home on Nov. 5th.

Update: They have now arrested three suspects and have charged them with Capital murder. You can read about it here.

Stephen was a great friend to everyone. He lived life to the fullest, was always smiling and could cheer anyone up. He was only 24 and had a long life before him. I really can't believe he's gone.
March 20, 1986- October 13, 2010

Stephen, you were a great friend to many. You will be greatly missed.

October 16 also marked the two-year anniversary of the death of Brandon Allen Koch, another former classmate, who was killed in a car accident in 2008.

So, needless to say, October was very sad indeed.

Sweet Home Alabama
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PitaPata Dog tickers