06 March 2011

Packing is taking up my blogging time!

Day 1 of packing didn't go smoothly at all.
First off, we ran out of boxes. {Wally World didn't save 
us that many. Losers.} We made another 
run to Wally World to pick up more. When
we went to put them in the car, it was pouring.
We quickly shoved them in the trunk and took
off for home. Got home and it was still pouring,
so we had to leave the boxes in the car so
they wouldn't get ruined. It rained. all. night. long.
J couldn't bring the boxes in until this morning.
I, of course, had an unwelcomed visitor in the
middle of the night, {5 am= middle of the night}
which caused me to sleep until almost eleven.
I'm still sitting in the living room on the 
laptop-- not packing.
So... here I go. To pack. 
Pack up our junk valuable
Who am I kidding? I'm going to throw 
the stuff in the boxes and call it done.


Josie Two Shoes said...

Packing and moving...ugh! I've done it two dozen times, or more, and it never gets easier, no matter how much purging of collected junk you do. The good news is that once everything is in place in your new home you'll forget the agony of the move... until next time! :-)

Cyndy Bush said...

Moving sucks! But you'll be so happy when it's all over.

Joey Lynn Resciniti said...

I love packing. The moving and unpacking... not so much. One way or the other it will all be over soon!

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